
Monday, January 7, 2013

Latihan : Bahasa Inggris ( SMP )

Latihan : Bahasa Inggris

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Scientists … (1) that increases in these gases in the atmosphere will make the earth a warmer place. They expect a global rise in the average 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celcius (2.5 to 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit) in the next century. The average … (2) has in fact been rising. The 1990s were the warmest decade on record, and 2005 was the warmest year on record. Some scientists are reluctant to say that global warming has actually begun because climate … (3) varies from year to year and decade to decade, and it takes many years of records to be sure of a fundamental change. There is little disagreement, though, that global warming is on its way.
2 = .....
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Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah temperature. Hal itu disimpilkan dari kalimat-kalimat sesudahnya yang membahas tentang dasawarsa atau tahun lebih hangat. Jadi, arti kalimat soal adalah “Suhu rata-rata pada kenyataannya sudah meningkat.”. Pilihan jawaban (Climate. ) artinya iklim, (Weather. ) artinya cuaca, dan (Atmosphere. ) artinya atmosfer.
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What is text about?
An invitation to attend a party.
Good wishes on a happy day.
An expression of sympathy on someone’s grief.
A congratulating expression on someone’s success.
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Teks tersebut merupakan kartu ucapan atas keberhasilan ayah menduduki posisi baru (kalimat “Congratulations on your new position, Dad!”). Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A congratulating expression on someone’s success. ) benar.

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My name is Joanna. I have a close friend named Rianna. We study in the same school, but in different classes. We get close because our houses are not a long way. She often picks me up to go to school.

    Rianna is smart, diligent and friendly. She often gets the first rank in our school. I think almost all people in our school know her. However, she is not arrogant. I often ask about lessons which I don't fully understand.

    Rianna has a small body. She is thinner, but taller than me. She has dark complexion and straight hair. Her face is oval with round eyes and thick eyebrows. Although she is thin, she is healthy. And one of her favourite lessons is physical exercise. She can run fast and play basketball very well.
"However, she is not arrogant." (Paragraph 2)
The antonym of the word `arrogant' is ...
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Kata ‘arrogant’ artinya sombong. Lawan kata ini adalah ‘humble’ yang artinya rendah hati. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (Humorous ) arinya humoris, (Stingy ) artinya pelit, dan (Ignorant ) artinya bodoh.

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How to Make Mushroom Soup
● 12 ounces mushrooms
● 4 eggs yolks
● ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg
● 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
● 1 ½ teaspoons salt
● ¼ teaspoon pepper
● 2 pints chicken stock

● Prepare the mushrooms and place them in a frying pan with melted butter.
● Cover the pan and cook them for 10 minutes. Then, add the chicken stock.
● Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg.
● Bring to boil and then simmer for 30 minutes.
● Sieve and blend until smooth, with remaining ingredients.
● Return to the pan and heat. Remove the pan from a stove and let it cool.
● Add the beaten egg yolks and cream, stirring gently. Don’t boil.
● Garnish with the chopped parsley and serve.
How long do we cook the mushroom?
For ten minutes.
At last five minutes.
For thirty minutes.
For more than ten minutes.
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Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pada langkah dua, “Cover the pan and cook them for 10 minutes.” Yang artinya “Tutup panci dan masak jamur itu selama 10 menit.”.

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I have nothing but great admiration for Mr. Gopal, my neighbour. He is an old gentleman who lives with his wife. Since they live just next to me and I get on fine with them, Mr. Gopal has more or less adopted me as their son.

Mr. Gopal is engaged in several charity work. In fact, Mr. Gopal is the chairman of the Residents Association and commands a lot of respect. When it comes fund-raising for charity, he does not spare any time of effort. I do not know where his energy comes from, considering his age. He told me once that charity is everyone’s business. He himself is not very-well-to-do and has been living on pension ve since he retired. Despite the meager sum he receives monthly. He donates frequently to harity. This is a highly admirable trait.

Mr. Gopal’s children live faraway from Mr. Gopal. They received overseas education with the hard-earned money Mr. Gopal earned while working as a teacher. He spent every cent to make sure that his children received quality education.
What did Mr. Gopal do before the retired?
He was a techer.
He was a doctor.
He was a businessman.
He was the chairman of the Residents’ Association.
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Pak Gipal adalah seorang pension guru. Jadi, dulu ia bekerja sebagai guru. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf tiga, “They received overseas education with the hard-earned money Mr. Gopal earned while working as a teacher.” Yang artinya “Mereka memperoleh pendidikan lua negeri dengan uang jerih payah yang diterima Pak Gopal saat bekerja sebagai guru.”.

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TransJakarta is a bus rapid transit (BRT) system in Jakarta. It was the first BRT system in Southern and Southeast Asia. TransJakarta started on 15th January 2004. As of March 2011, there were 10 corridors (or lines) in operation, with five more to be built. TransJakarta is designed to provide Jakarta citizens with a fast public transportation system to help reduce rush hour traffic. It is used by approximately 280,000 people every day. The buses run in special lanes, and the ticket prices are subsidized by the regional government. Currently, TransJakarta has the world’s longest BRT routes with 172 km system length and has more than 520 buses in operation.

What is the purpose of operating TransJakarta?
To help reduce traffic congestion.

To balance the number of vehicles on the street.

To make the first BRT system in Southern and Southeast Asia.

To provide people people with comfortable public transport.

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Pilihan jawaban (To help reduce traffic congestion.) artinya membantu mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat “TransJakarta is designed to provide Jakarta citizens with a fast public transportation system to help reduce rush hour traffic.” Yang artinya “TransJakartadirancang untuk memberi warga Jakarta sistem transportasi umum yang cepat untuk membantu mengurangi lalu lintas pada jam sibuk.”.

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On 14th October 2011, I … (1) Indonesian Art Festival in ISI Solo, Central Java. One of the shows that I enjoyed was the dance from Kalimantan. … (2), I didn’t know the name of the dance. Not only was the dance very adorable, but the costumes of the dancers were also very beautiful. They made me so proud to be an Indonesian. The couple dancers danced very attractively and energetically. The audience were amazed. At the end of the show, they gave a big … (3) for the dancers.
2 = ....
even though
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Kalimat soal “ … I didn’t know the name of the dance.” Yang artinya “ …, saya tidak tahu nama tarian tersebut.”. Kalimat ini bertentangan sengan makna kalimat sebelumnya yang artinya “Salah satu tarian yang saya nikmati adalah tarian dari Kalimantan.”. Berdasarkan arti kalimat rumpang tersebut, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kata yang tepat untuk mengisi rumpang adalah unfortunately yang artinya sayangnya. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (generally ) artinya pada umumnya, (luckily ) artinya untungnya, dan (even though ) artinya meskipun.

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Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.

    Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.

    Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.

    Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles.
Which one creates Jellyfish's light?
Chemical reaction.
Salt water.
Nervous system.
White blood.
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Jawaban diketahui dari kalimat kedua paragraf tiga, “The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish.” Yang artinya “Cahaya tersebut dihasilkan oleh reaksi kimia di dalam ubur-ubur.”. Jadi, yang menciptakan cahaya pada ubur-ubur adalah reaksi kimia. Pilihan jawaban (Salt water. ) artinya air garam, (Nervous system. ) artinya sistem syaraf, dan (White blood. ) artinya darah putih.

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One day, a man stopped at a flower shop in order some flowers. He wanted to send it to his mother who lived far in another town through a delivery company. Meanwhile, he was looking at a sad young girl who was sitting in front of flower shop. He asked her what was wrong, and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother, but my money is not enough.” The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl a rose, and he ordered for his own mother flowers too.

After buying a rose flower for the girl, the man offered the girl a ride to her home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She directed him to a cemetery. The girl placed the rose on her mother’s fresh grave. Knowing the girl’s mother had died, the man realized that he must show his love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the flower shop. He canceled the flower delivery order, picked up the rose flowers and drove to reach his mother’s house.
The main idea of the first paragraph is …
a man bought a flower for a girl
a man helped a girl by buying her a flower
a girl needed a man to deliver her a flower
a sad girl was thinking of her mother
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Gagasan utama paragraf pertama adalah (a man helped a girl by buying her a flower ) yang artinya laki-laki itu membantu gadis kecil dengan membelikannya bunga. Paragraf tersebut menceritakan bagaimana seorang laki-laki bertemu seorang gadis kecil di toko bunga, lalu membelikan bunga untuk gadis kecil tersebut.

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Indonesian Cow’s Foot Curry

 1 cow foot
4 cups coconut milk
1 turmeric leaf
2 seeds of sour mangosteen (asam kandis)
2 kaffir lime leaves
1 stalk lemongrass

Blended spices:
1 tbsp blended red chilies
2 cm turmeric
5 pcs candlenuts
2 cm galangal
6 cloves garlic
10 psc shallots

1.      Clean the cow’s foot from its hair, cut into several pieces and cook until tender.
2.      Remove the bones and then cut the meat into small sizes according to your prefence.
3.      Cook the coconut milk together with the blended spices, kaffir lime leaves, sour mangosteen and the lemongrass.
4.      Add the meat pieces and cook until the coconut milk thickens and becomes oily.
5.      Keep stirring until it’s well cooked to prevent the coconut milk from dissolving.
6.      Lift and serve.
What should we do after cutting the meat?
Cook the meat with the coconut milk.
Fry it with other ingredients.
Cook the meat with the blended spices and other ingredients.
Cook the coconut milk with the blended spices and other ingredients.
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Cutting the meat” merupakan langkah kedua. Langkah selanjutnya adalah “Cook the coconut milk together with the blended spices . . .”, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (Cook the coconut milk with the blended spices and other ingredients. ).

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What does the text mean?
Drives should use the left lane to precede.
Drivers should obey the speed limit.
Drivers should use the right lane before stopping.
Right lane is only to overtake other vehicles.
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Teks tersebut disebut notice. Teks itu artinya “Jalur kanan hanya untuk mendahului. Waspadalah!”. Pilihan jawaban yang sesuai adalah (Right lane is only to overtake other vehicles. ) yang artinya jalur kanan hanya untuk mendahului kendaraan lain. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan maksud peringatan tersebut; (Drives should use the left lane to precede. ) artinya para pengemudi sebaiknya menggunakan jalur kiri untuk mendahului, (Drivers should obey the speed limit. ) artinya para pengemudi harus mematuhi batas kecepatan, dan (Drivers should use the right lane before stopping. ) artinya para pengemudi sebaiknya menggunakan jalur kanan sebelum berhenti.

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Last week, my colleagues and I went to Bali for three days. We left for Bali by plane. It took one hour forty minutes by Merpati Airline.

     On the first day, we dropped by at SMP I Denpasar for a visit. We spent about two hours there until lunch time. After lunch, we went by bus to the Legian beach. There we had a boat ride visiting the ‘Penyu’ bay. We saw some big green turtles and some other animals. In the afternoon, we visited the Garuda Wisnu Kencana complex in Jimbaran. We enjoyed the giant statue of Wisnu, one of the gods in Hinduism, and a giant bird statue of Garuda. The statue is supposed to be taller than the Libarty statue in the US. Our first day ended with dinner in the Jimbaran beach where we were wathing the sunset. We spent the night at the Fourteen Roses hotel in Legian.

     On the second day, we had some shopping at the Sukowati traditional market. There are many kinds of souvenirs in the place. We bought some. We also visited the Kedaton forest in Tabanan and enjoyed the sunset in Tanah Lot. On the last day of our visit in Bali, we enjoyed morning walk at Kuta beach. The visit to Bali was really hard to forget.
Paragraph two tells us about the writer’s …
Visit to SMP I Denpasar.
Experience to see the giant statue.
Preparation to leave for Bali.
Activities on his first day in Bali.
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Paragraf dua menjelaskan hari pertama penulis dalam kunjungannya di Bali (the writer’s activities on his first day in Bali), yaitu mengunjungi SMP 1 Denpasar pada pagi hari, setelah makan siang pergi ke Pantai Legian dan menikmati naik perahu ke Teluk Penyu, mengunjungi diisi dengan makan malam di Pantai Jimbaran. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena hanya sebagai gagasan pendukung; (Visit to SMP I Denpasar. ) artinya kunjungan ke SMP 1 Denpasar, (Experience to see the giant statue. ) artinya pengalaman melihat patung raksasa, dan (Preparation to leave for Bali. ) artinya persiapan untuk pergi ke Bali.

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There was an island named Mintin in Kahayan Hilir, Central Kalimantan. The people lived peacefully because the king, King Mintin, was wise and loved his people very much.

King Mintin had twin sons, Naga and Buaya. One day, King Mintin was very sad since he lost his wife. Then in his grieve, he decided to leave the kingdom and lived in another island. He asked his two sons to rule the kingdom wisely.

At first, Naga and Buaya led the kingdom wisely as their father said. However, it did not last long. Naga began to behave. He loved to make parties and neglected his people. Buaya, who was very caring and loving to the people, reminded Naga. He asked Naga to stop his bad attitude. Naga was angry with Buaya since he had disturbed his happiness. Finally, they quarreled. Their fight brought a civil war. The people of Mintin were in troubles. Some of them were very hungry and suffered from illnesses. Mintin Island was in chaos!

King Mintin heard the tragedy. He came to the kingdom and stopped the fight. He punished his twin sons. He cursed Buaya into a crocodile. The King let him stay in Mintin Island because Buaya loved the Mintin people. The King als asked Buaya to take care of the people.

Naga, on the other hand, was cursed into a dragon. The King drove him away because he had made many mistakes. He was the cause of the war and the Mintin people’s suffering.

Right after the king finished his last words, heavy storm attacked Mintin Island. Buaya and Naga slowly changed. Buaya became a crocodile and Naga became a dragon.
What can we learn from the story?
We should be able to control ourselves.
We should be kind and generous.
We should not tell lies.
We should not be greedy.
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Berdasarkan cerita tersebut disimpulkan bahwa Naga dan Buaya sama-sama tidak bisa mengendalikan amarah sehingga akhirnya mereka berkelahi. Perkelahian mereka mengakibatkan perang saudara. Jadi, nilai moral yang bisa dipetik adalah sebaiknya kita bisa mengendalikan diri agar tidak terjadi bencana, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (We should be able to control ourselves. ).

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Who is sending the letter?
Thalita’s friend.
Thalita’s sister.
Thalita’s old friend.
Thalita’s pen friend.
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Surat tersebut ditulis oleh Vita. Vita adalah saudara perempuan Thalita (Thalita’s sister). Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat dalam paragraf satu, “I could never have asked for a better sister!”.

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Eduard Douwes Dekker … (1) at Amsterdam on 2nd March 1820 … (2) was a Dutch writer famous for his satrirical novel. Better know by his pen name ‘Multatuli’, he marked the abuses of colonialism in the colony of then Dutch East Indies, today’s Indonesia. Multatuli was also a famous journalist and activist.he is among the very few citizens of the colonial power who is paid the due respect of being a national … (3).
1 = .....
had born.
were born.
was born.
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Kalimat soal artinya “Eduard Douwes Dekker … di Amsterdam pada tanggal 2 Maret 1820.”. Kata yang paling tepat untuk melengkalpi kalimat tersebut adalah (was born. ) was born yang artinya lahir.

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Sebuah mobil menghabiskan 4 liter bensin untuk menempuh jarak 32 km. Jika jarak yang ditempuh 56 km, maka bensin yang diperlukan adalah ??
6 lt
7 lt
10,5 lt
12 lt
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Description: 56/32= Description: x/4

Description: {56.4}/32= Description: x

x = 7

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What can Y2K VCD lens cleaner do to your VCD player?
Help it much stronger.
Keep the sound very audible.
Remove the dirt from laser lens.
Make the VCD run faster.
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Funsi pembersih lensa VCD Y2K adalah pilihan jawaban (Remove the dirt from laser lens. ) yang artinya menghilangkan kotoran dari lensa laser. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat kedua teks “It can remove the dirts from laser lensthoroughly.” Yang artinya “Pembersih tersebut dapat menghilangkan kotoran dari lensa laser sepenuhnya.”. pilihan jawaban (Help it much stronger. ) artinya membantunya menjadi lebih kuat, (Keep the sound very audible. ) artinya mempertahankan suara tetap dapat didengar, dan (Make the VCD run faster. ) artinya membuat VCD bekerja dengan lebih cepat.

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The peach is known as a species of prunus. It is a kind of edible juicy fruit. It is native to China. The peach tree grows to 4 – 10 meters tall. It is deciduous tree so it will fall its leaves n certain seasons. It belongs to subfamily prunoideae of family roseaceae.

     The leaves are 7 – 16 cm long and 2,5 – 3 cmin diameter. The coclor of the flower is pink.

     Peach fruit is very nice. Its aroma smells good. The color of the flesh is yellow or white. The skin of the peach is smooth or velvety. The flesh is soft and juicy it is delicious. It is little bit harder when it is unripe. Inside in the flesh, there is a largesingle seed. The seed is oval in shape. Its color isred-brown. Its length is about 1,3 – 2 cm. a wood-like husk surrounds this seed.

     Most people know peachesas ‘persicas’. It isrelated to the belief that peaches were native toPersia (now Iran). The modern botanical consensus is that they originate in china, and Mediterranean region along the silk Road before Cristian Times.
From the text we know that …
The modern botanical consensus decided the name of the fruit.
China imported peaches from Persia.
Peaches do not originate in Persia.
Peaches come from Persia.
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Pilihan jawaban (Peaches do not originate in Persia. ) yang artinya buah persik tidak berasal dari Persia benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga paragraf satu, “It is native to China.” Yang artinya “Buah ini asli dari Cina.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat “The modern botanical consensus is that they originate in China, and were introduced to Persia . . . “. Jadi, konsensus modern tersebut tentang asal buah persik, yaitu buah persik berasal dari Cina, lalu diperkenalkan ke Persia.

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Disc jockeys, sometimes called "deejays," play music on the radio. They also talk about the news, sports, and weather. Sometimes, they make commercials, talk with guests, and tell what's going on in the community.
       Disc jockeys work for radio stations, often in small rooms called studios. These rooms are air-conditioned and soundproof. Full-time disc jockeys talk on the radio 5 or 6 days a week for about 4 hours at a time.
       Most disc jockeys need to be able to ad-lib, which means talk without a script. They also need to keep track of time so that they can fit music, talk, and commercials into a strict schedule. But the job is more than talking on the radio. Every day, disc jockeys must prepare for the radio show. Many disc jockeys write or edit the scripts that they read on air. Sometimes they write commercials too. Some disc jockeys find people to interview. And some make public appearances at schools and parties.
       Disc jockeys at small radio stations often work with equipment to play music and adjust sound.
       Because many radio stations are on air 24 hours a day, disc jockeys usually don't work regular hours. They often start early or work late.

What is the purpose of the text?
To describe someone’s profession.
To describe  a kind of profession.

To explain how to be a disc jockeys.

To describe someone’s duties.

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Teks tersebut merupakan teks report, yang mendeskripsikan suatu pekerjaan (disc jockey) secara umum.

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An ecosystem is a community of living things interacting with each other and their surroundings. It can be anything from a piece of ritting wood to a huge swamp.

In every ecosystem, each organism depends on the others. When vegetation colonizes an area, the first plants to grow there are small and simple, such as mosses and lichens. Grass and sadges appear next. The simple plants stabilize the soil so that bigger and more complex plants can move in. This is called vegetation succession.

Rainforest ecosystems cover only 8% of the world’s plant and animal species.

Green plants are autothrops, or producers, which means they make their own food. Animals are heterothrops, or consumers, which means they get their food from other living things. Primary consumers are herbivores that eat plants. Secondary consumers are carnivores that eat herbivores or each other.

Farming has a huge effect on natural ecosystems. It reduces the number of species dramatically.
What is the purpose of the text above?
To entertain the readers with the story of simple plants.
To describe a certain ecosystem.
To describe an ecosystem in general.
To tell an experience when planting something.
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Teks tersebut berbentuk report, yaitu teks yang bertujuan menjelaskan sesuatu (ecosystem) secara umum. Pilihan jawaban (To entertain the readers with the story of simple plants. ) adalah tujuan teks narrative, (To describe a certain ecosystem. ) adalah tujuan teks description, dan (To describe an ecosystem in general. ) adalah tujuan teks recount.

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A number of people were killed recently after a flash flood and landslide in the Morowali regency, Central Sulawesi, while thousands of others were isolated.

    Reports said that until the 9th day of the disaster, survivors were still isolated in their villages because transportation routes were totally cut. Meanwhile, food aid was not enough and health assistance had not yet reached the flood-hit locations. The conditions were indeed a major problem in assisting the victims. Going in by foot was the only solution for a joint team from the local health office and the Indonesian Red Cross. This team had to walk to reach the four isolated villages of Ueruru Mamosalato, Kolo Bawah and Baturube. The nearest village was five kilometers away.

    Other groups will later follow the tracks of the medical team to distribute various basic necessities. Every effort must be made. The flood victims can't no longer wait for assistance.
The text tells us about ... in Morowali Regency.
the number of people killed
the flash flood and landslides
the three isolated villages in that area
the ninth day of the disaster
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Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks, yaitu “A number of people were killed recently after a flash flood and landslide in the Morowali regency, Central Sulawesi, while thousands of others were isolated.”. Jadi, gagasan utama teks tentang banjir bandang dan tanah longsor yang melanda Kabupaten Morowali, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (the flash flood and landslides ).

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Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in nine recognized families though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.

Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the super family. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless.

The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64") long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee whose females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bees, are the most common type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies.
What is the text about?
Describing bees in general.
Explaining bees in Antarctica.
Telling the habitat of the bees.
Giving information about bees in the Northern Hemisphere.
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Jawaban paling tepat adalah (A). Hal ini dilihat dari kalimat pertama paragraf satu “Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax.”. Kalimat tersebut tidak mendeskripsikan bees secara khusus. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (Describing bees in general. ) benar.

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A pair of crows had made their nest on a big tree. Each time the mother crow laid eggs and hatched them, a cruel snake that lived at the hollow at the bottom of the tree trunk would come out. Then, he would eat up the young ones. The crow couple felt sad at the loss of their young ones.

One day the mother crow saw the snake approaching her nest. She cawed loudly for help as she saw the snake nearing her young ones. She tried to chase away the snake, but all was in vain. The snake ate up all the young crows and the unhatched eggs. The mother crow mourned for this great loss. She cried her heart out. The other crows joined her sorrow.

An old and wise crow thought deeply and replied, “Don’t worry, I have a plan. Tomorrow many ladies from the royal family will come to the river for a dip. They will keep all their precious jewellery and clothes aside before they get into the river for a swim. Their belongings would be watched from a distance by some royal guards. When you get a chance, you must pick a piece of precious jewellery and fly off. The others should make a lot of noise to attrack attention of the guards. Once you are noticed flying away with the jewellery, you should quickly fly to the tree and drop the precious jewellery in the snake’s hollow. They will try to reclaim the precious jewellery from the snake’s hollow. Thus the snake would surely die at their hands.”

The crows agreed to the plan and the next morning mother crow flew to river. She saw some ladies swimming in the river and their jewellery lying aside.

The mother crow did as the old crow had advised, and all the plans succeeded. She dropped the jewellery in the snake hollow. The guards beat the cruel snake with their spears until he died and retrieved the necklace from the hollow.

The crow couple was overjoyed at the snake’s death. They thanked the old crow profusely. There was no one to disturb their happy life from then on.
What problem did the couple of crows have?
A cruel snake often ate up their babies.
They were always disturbed by other crows.
A cruel snake often destroyed their nest.
They could not take care of their babies.
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Sepasang burung gagak tersebut mengalami masalah serius, yaitu anak-anak mereka yang baru lahir sering dimakan ular. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat paragraf satu, “Each time the mother crow laid eggs and hatched them, a cruel snake that lived at the hollow at the bottom of the tree trunk would come out. Then, he would eat up the young ones.” Yang artinya “Setiap kali ibu gagak tersebut bertelur dan menetaskan telur-telur tersebut, seekor ular jahat yang tinggal di dalam lubang di bagian dasar batang pohon akan keluar. Kemudian, ular tersebut akan memakan burung gagak yang baru menetas.”. Pilihan jawaban (They were always disturbed by other crows. ) artinya mereka selalu diganggu burung gagak yang lain, (A cruel snake often destroyed their nest. ) artinya seekor ular jahat sering merusak sarang mereka, dan (They could not take care of their babies. ) artinya mereka tidak dapat memelihara bayi-bayi mereka.

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The Ambhara Hotel
Featuring well-designed guestrooms, this high -rise hotel is ideally located in the heart of South Jakarta at Kebayoran. The Ambhara Hotel  is situated close to the central business district. It is within walking distance to the Blok M shopping area, where guests can find many shops aand restourants. It is adjacent to the Pasaraya Grande shopping centre, which has the largest handicraft display in Indonesia. There are several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine. guests of the hotel will enjoy the hotel for its modern facilities and convenient located in the commercial district.
People can find … in Pasaraya Grande.
A lot of guest.
Many kinds of shops.
A variety of international dishes.
Many kinds of handicraft.
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Orang-orang dapat menemukan berbagai macam kerajinan tangan (many kinds of andicraft) di Pasaraya Grande. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat keempat, “it is adjacent to the Pasaraya Grande shopping centre, which has the largest handicraft display in Indonesia.” Yang artinya “Hotel ini dekat pusat perbelanjaan Pasaraya Grande, yang mempunya kerajinan angan terbesar di Indonesia.”.

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An animal nursery is a kind of job. People who work as animal nursery workers work in zoos, kennels, animal shelters, and circuses. They are responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning, bathing and exercising animals. They care for animals' health by disinfecting them and keeping their cage clean. They keep records of treatments that the animals have received from the veterinarian, an animal doctor.

     Animal nursery workers have serious responsibilities and functions. They provide care for newborns and young animals, prepare their food, transport them to feeding areas, and deliver food and water to them. The food they prepare is different for each species of animals they care for. They fill nursing bottles which have been sterilized with the appropriate feeding formula. They also take care of orphaned animals. They observe newborn animals and check for signs of disease or abnormality. They may perform physical exam on the young animals occasionally, taking their temperatures, pulse rate and blood pressure. They are also in charge of cleaning and preparing comfortable sleeping areas for animals, removing waste, cleaning and disinfecting them. They also make sure all cages and enclosures are safe.
The food that the animal nursery workers prepared depends on ...
the emotional condition of the animals
the age of the animals
the species of the animals
the physical condition of the animals
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Pilihan jawaban (the species of the animals ) sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga paragraf dua, “The food they prepare is different for each species of animals they care for.” Yang artinya “Makanan yang mereka siapkan berbeda-beda untuk tiap-tiap spesies yang mereka pelihara.”.

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What is the mountain covered with?
Food stalls.
Tea plantations.
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Gunung tersebut dilingkupi oleh perkebunan the (tea plantation) dan danau yang indah. Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat “The attractions offered in Situ Patenggang are the mountain range covered with tea plantations and a gorgeous lake”. Yang artinya “Daya tarik yang ditawarkan Situ Patenggang adalah jajaran gunung yang dilingkupi perkebunan the dan danau yang indah.”.

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Behind my grandparent’s house, there is a large piece of land that us surrounded by banana trees growing in wild disorder. Crowds of banana trees grow freely everywhere. Their green leaves are so thick that sunlight cannot pass through.
       Underneath the trees, the ground is so moist that wild mushroom and plants grow there all year around. In the centre is a wild field where the children of my grandparent’s village often fly kites. 
       Every evening, just before sunset, some birds arrive to look for a place to rest their tired wings. They banana leaves are too wide to be made into nests. The birds cry out and then fly away, seeking e better place to nest. 
       During the rainy season, it rains for day and days, and the banana leaves become glossy and slick. The rain also makes the banana garden produce very starange melody. On rainy days, I used to sit near my window and listen to this wonderful song. Now, whenever I hear the plop-plop-plop of raindrops on the roof of my small, tidy apartement in the city, I remember the beautiful, wild banana garden of my childhood. 

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according the text?

There is a field in the centre of the banana garden.

Wild mushrooms grow undernealth the banana trees.

Some birds come to the banana garden to find a place to rest every evening.

The wtriter lives together with his/her grandparents in a village.

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Pernyataan yang salah adalah pilihan jawaban (The wtriter lives together with his/her grandparents in a village.) yang artinya penulis tinggal bersama kakek dan neneknya di desa (klausa “where the children of my grandparent’s village often fly kites”). Hal ini tidak sesuai karena kakek dan nenek penulis tinggal di desa, padahal penulis tinggal di kota (kalimat “Now, whenever I hear the plop-plop-plop of raindrops on the roof of my small, tidy apartment in the city, . . .” yang artinya “Sekarang, kapanpun saya mendengar suara tetes hujan di atap apartemen saya yang kecil dan rapi di kota, . . .”).

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One fine day and old man was fishing on his favourite lake, … (1) he got nothing. Finally, he gave up and walked back along the shore to his home. When he got close to the front door, he saw it was open. Being of a suspicious nature, he walked to the door … (2) and looked inside. There was a big black bear. It was just pulling the cork out of his molasses jug with … (3) teeth. The  molasses spilled all over the floor and the bear rubbed its paw in it, smearing it all over.
2 = ....
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Kalimat soal artinya “Merasa curiga, laki-laki tersebut berjalan ke arah pintu … dan melihat kedalam.”. Kata yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi adalah quietly (dengan diam-diam). Pilihan jawaban (noisily. ) artinya dengan gaduh, (patiently. ) artinya dengan sabar, dan (carelessly. ) artinya dengan ceroboh.

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Fruits are a source of nourishing substances that keep us alive and healthy. For example, they contain many vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, and many minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and zinc. They also provide fiber for a healthy digestive system and carbohydrates that the body needs to make energy. They don’t have a lot of calories to make us fat.

People use fruits for many things. We make juices from them. We cook bread and pie with them. We make jams and jellies and sweets. We freeze them to eat later. We even make alcohol from fruit. Beer comes from grains, wine comes from grapes, and some brandies are made from plums, apricots, or other fruits.

But most of the time, we don’t do anything special with fruits. We eat them fresh, just as they are!
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
We make juice from fruits.
People use fruits for many things.
Some beer and brandies are made of fruits.
We freeze fruits to eat whenever we need later.
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Pertanyaan di atas mananyakan pokok pikiran paragraf dua yaitu “We make juices from them. We cook bread and pie with them. We make jams and jellies and sweets. We freeze them to eat later. We even make alcohol from fruit.”. Bila dibaca paragraf dua teks diatas, jelas kalimat pertamanya merupakan pokok pkiran. Yang lainnya menjadi kalimat penjelas. Dengan demikian jawaban peranyaan yang tepat adalah (We make juice from fruits. ).

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Fruits are a source of nourishing substances that keep us alive and healthy. For example, they contain many vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, and many minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and zinc. They also provide fiber for a healthy digestive system and carbohydrates that the body needs to make energy. They don’t have a lot of calories to make us fat.

People use fruits for many things. We make juices from them. We cook bread and pie with them. We make jams and jellies and sweets. We freeze them to eat later. We even make alcohol from fruit. Beer comes from grains, wine comes from grapes, and some brandies are made from plums, apricots, or other fruits.

But most of the time, we don’t do anything special with fruits. We eat them fresh, just as they are!
What is the text about?
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Bila dibaca secara menyeluruh, maka kita dapat mengatakan bahwa teks tentang buah-buahan. Jawaban yang lainnya sangat khusus. Teks tersebut dijelaskan pada kalimat awal paragraf satu “Fruits are a source of nourishing substances that keep us alive and healthy.”. Dengan demikian jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (Fruits. ).

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From the letter above, we know that …
Only a few of the radio programmes are good
Mrs. Roy’s son likes listening to the ‘Utak-atik’ programme
The radio manager is helpful
Mrs. Roy forbids her son to listen to yhe radio
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Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat, “They help my son develop his hobby. They help him think, be creative and innovative.” Yang artinya “Program-program itu membantu anak laki-laki saya mengembangkan hobinya. Program-program itu membantunya berpikir, menjadi kreatif dan inovatif.”. Itu artinya nak laki-laki Bu Roy senang mendengarkan program radio tersebut, salah satunya adalah program ‘Utak-atik’.

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What does Jody want to do this semester?
Have a music lesson
Improve his English
Work at school
Join Oak Tree
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Dalam e-mail tersebut Wildan menulis kalimat “It is interesting to read about your plan in joining a course to improve your English this semester.” Yang artinya “Sungguh menarik membaca tentang rencanamu ikut kursus untuk memperbaiki bahasa inggrismu semester ini.”. Itu berarti hal yang akan dilakukan Jody semester ini adalah memperbaiki bahasa Inggrisnya, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (Improve his English ).

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There is a Chinese story of an old farmer who had an old horse for tilling his fields.
One day the horse escaped into the hills and, when all the farmer’s neighbours sympathised with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, ‘Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?’

A week later the horse returned with a herd of wild horses from the hills and this time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, ‘Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?’

Then, when the farmer’s son was attempted to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, ‘Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?’

Some weeks later the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw the farmer’s son with his broken leg they let him off. Now was that good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?
Why did the army let the farmer’s son off ?
It was a bad luck to bring him.
The farmer begged the army to set him off.
His leg was broken.
He suffered from serious disease.
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Pikiran jawaban (His leg was broken. ) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir, yaitu “When they saw the farmer’s son with his broken leg they let him off.” Yang artinya “Ketika mereka melihat anak laki-laki petani itu patah, mereka membiarkannya.”.

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On Thursday our class  went to Andelham country park. It is as part of our topic on environment.

We had to find out about all the different ways the park was used. The first thing my group did was to go the rare animal area.

Then, we went into the forest and looked out for all the different kinds of trees and the sorts of wild animals that lived there. One thing I learned was that furry cows with big horns are called Highland cattle.

After lunch we had to walk round the lake and make a list of all the different uses of it. There were many fisherman and one fisherwoman at the lake. We also saw a man fish.
“ . . . the sorts of wild animals that lived there.” (Paragraph 3)
What does the word ‘there’ refer to?
The forest.
The park.
The lake.
The rare animal area.
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Kata ‘there’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada hutan (the forest). Hal itu disimpulkan dari klausa sebelumnya “Then, we went into the forest . . .” yang artinya “Kemudian, kami pergi ke hutan . . .”.

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One of the most valuable and widespread plants is the bamboo. It is a tall treelike grass. There are more than 350 species. Most grow in Asia on islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Although bamboo is a tropical plant, it can grow in a cooler temperate zones.

    A single root may produce as many as 100 stems. They are hollow, woody, and jointed. The stems are sometimes 3 feet (0.9 meter) around. Sprouts grow fast, at times 1 foot (0.3 meter) or more a day. They may grow to 30, 50, or even 130 feet (9 to 40 meters) in height. Near the top are many branches. Some species do not bloom for 60 years or more.

    Bamboo products range from food to houses. Asian people usually use the sprouts as vegetables. In East and Southeast Asia people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building bridges and houses. Short sec­tions serve as pails and cooking utensils. The stems make for walls, floors, and roofs. Thinner strips are woven into mats, chairs, cages, and curtains. Bamboo fishing rods are made of mathced strips glued together. Split bamboo is also used for chopsticks and fan ribs. The inner parts of the stems of several species are made into quality papers.
Which part of the bamboo can be used for building houses?
Hollow stems
Thinner strips
Split bamboos
Bamboo sprouts
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Kalimat ketiga paragraf tiga berbunyi “In East and Southeast Asia people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building bridges and houses.”. Jadi, bagian bambu yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun rumah adalah batang bambu yang berlubang (hollow stems), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (Hollow stems ).

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Susunan kata yang benar dan logis adalah 6-3-2-7-5-1-4 sehingga membemtuk kalimat “The man is hiding his money under the pillow.” Yang artinya “Laki-laki itu menyembunyikan uangnya di bawah bantal.”.

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Arrange the following words into a good paragraph.
1.      They were very surprised.
2.      Their children, Heidi and Kurt, were fine.
3.      They found the house was clean and neat.
4.      So, Mr. and Mrs. Dwiky gave them present.
5.      The children should have done the house work together.
6.      Mr. and Mrs. Dwiky just arrived home from their business trip.
7.      Heidi got a pair of new shoes and Kurt got an excellent leather jacket.
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Susunan kalimat yang benar adalah 6-1-3-2-5-4-7. Susunan tersebut membentuk teks berikut: (6) Pak dan Bu Dwiky baru saja tiba dirumah dari perjalan bisnis mereka; (1) Mereka sangat terkejut; (3) Mereka mendapati rumah bersih dan rapi; (2) Anak-anak mereka, Heidi dan Kurt, baik-baik aja; (5) Anak-anak pasti telah mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah bersama; (4) Oleh sebab itu, Pak dan Bu Dwiky member mereka hadiah; (7) Heidi mendapat sepasang sepatu baru dan Kurt mendapat jaket kulit yang bagus.

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Let’s … (1) an experiment about how water gets from the ground to the leaves of a plant.

You will need: 4 full glasses of water, red, blue, green and yellow food colouring, 3 white carnations and a sharp knife.

Now, here are the steps.
1.      Mix one colour into each of your four glasses of water. The stronger the colour of the water, the … (2) the experiment will be.
2.      Put your first carnation into the glass.
3.      Put your second carnation into another glass.
4.      Take your final carnation and slice the stem lengthwise so … (3) looks like two smaller stems, both of which remain attached to the flower.
5.      Put on half of the stem into your third glass of coloured water the other half into the fourth glass.
6.      Put the flowers out of the sunlight and wait a day or so. Then, look at each of the flowers.
3 = ....
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Pronoun (kata ganti benda) yang sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah  it. Kata ‘it’ menggantikan kata ‘the stem’ dalam klausa sebelumnya, “Take your final carnation and slice the stem lengthwise . . .” yang artinya “Ambillah anyelir terakhirmu dan potonglah batangnya memanjang . . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena pronoun tersebut digunakan untuk menggantikan orang.

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       Making coloured and scented candles is really quick and simple. What's more, you'll save so much money. If making candle is easy, why do you ever buy one from a shop? What you need in making candle are wax, moulds, wick, dye discs, essential oils, and a double boiler. All these materials are available from craft shops. Or if you do not want to buy them, you can improvise with an old saucepan, Pyrex jug, or even a sturdy can, in a pot of water. After providing the materials, follow this procedure or instruction in making candles!
       First of all, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to prevent it bursting into flames; you must melt it in a double boiler, with water in the bottom of the pan.
       Then, prepare the mould with the wick. Thread the wick through the mould and make sure that you leave a good few centimeters sticking out of the hole in the bottom.
       After that, add the scent. If you want a scented candle, add a few drops of essential oil to the melted wax. You can use any essential oil you like, as long as it doesn't contain water.
       Next step, pour the wax into the mould. Try and tip the wax into the mould quickly, all in one go, to minimize spillage and air bubbles.
       Then, release the bubbles and top it up. Releasing the air bubbles will eventually make the candle sink, so you will need to top it up with more melted wax.
       Finally, remove it from the mould. After four or five hours, the candle can be taken out of its mould.
Your candle is now ready for display. Remember, you must always leave it for a day before lighting it.

Where can you buy the materials for making candle?
At the handicraft shop.

At the super market.

At the stall.

At the craft shop.

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Kalimat pendukung untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini terdapat pada All these materials are available from craft shops. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah At the craft shop.

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Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in avalley between the Kelud and Wilis mountains and inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the  center of the town there is a large hill which is called the Dathok mountain. Because of the topography of the region, Kediri is called a chily town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the centerof the town.
     Besides temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special kind of tofu or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is a delicacy of Kediri and has a distinctive taste. The cigarette factory dominates the town’s economy and employs the majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarette factory are inseparable and it is considered the biggest cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here are farmers or traders.
“Those who do not work here….”(Last sentence)
The underlined word refers to …
the local people
the traders
the factory workers
the farmers
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Kata ‘those’ dalam konteks kalimat tersebut mengacu pada orang-orang yang tinggal di daerah tersebut atau disebut penduduk lokal (local people).

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“It is suggested to … “
The underlined word is similar to …
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Kata ‘suggested’ dan ‘advised’ memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu disarankan. Pilihan jawaban (Forced ) artinya dipaksa, (Persuaded ) artinya dibujuk/diyakinkan, dan (Claimed ) artinya dituntut/diminta.

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Last year I joined the Chicago marathon, my first marathon. I had to run 26,2 miles to complete it. It is hard but I learned valuable things from joining it
   At first, I just wanted to get the experience of joining a marathon. I thought it would be one life time experience. After finishing it, I changed my mind. I wanted to join another one. I was interested to complete at least one more marathon and improve my time. I also experienced a good feeling between participants and the spectators, that made me happy. It was a very wonderful thing for me. So I decided that I had to join another marathon the following year, because I was not satisfied with this first one.
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
The writer felt tired when he/she had to run at 26,2 miles.
The writer found that marathon was enjoyeable so he/she wanted to join again.
The writer thought marathon was hard so he stopped it as soon as possible.
After completing the 26,2 miles, the writer felt upset.
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Gagasan utama paragraf dua adalah (The writer found that marathon was enjoyeable so he/she wanted to join again. ) yang artinya penulis menyadari bahwa marathon itu menyenangkan, sehingga ia ingin mengikutinya lagi. Hal itu disimpulkan dari dua kalimat terakhir paragraf dua, “It was a very wonderful thing for me. So I decided that I had to join another marathon the following year, because I was not satisfied with this first one.”.

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How to make a lunch box

Materials :
·         A plastic sheet
·         A plastic mold
·         2 hinges
·         2 screws
·         A drill
·         2 plastic claps

Steps :
1.      Start by heating the plastic sheet until it melts.
2.      Pace the melted plastic inside the mold, then wait until the plastic hardens.
3.      When the plastic becomes solid, you can take it out of the mold.
4.      Do it again to get the two halves that will later coprise the exterior of yoaur lunch box. You can now bring the two halves together and attach the hinges at the buttom.
5.      Drill the holes provided by the hinges and insert the screws.
6.      Upon doing this, the two halves will be formally attached to each other.
7.      You can now affix the clasps on the top portion of the luch box.
8.      Finally, paste stickers of popular cartoon characters or your favourite picture on one side of the luch box so that it will appeal to you. Now, you have a lunch box that both of you can be proud of.
We can take the plastic out of the mold when …
The plastic becomes liquid
The mold becomes solid
The plastic has hardened
The plastic has turned black
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Jawaban disimpulkan dari langkah ketiga, “When the plastic becomes solid, you can take it out of the mold.” Yang artinya “Ketika plastik menjadi padat, Anda dapat mengeluarkannya dari cetakan.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (The plastic has hardened ) yang artinya plastik telah mengeras.

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A microscope is an instrument for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked or unaided eye. The term microscopic means minute or very small, not visible to the eye unless aided by a microscope.
       Microscopes can largely be separated into three classes, optical microscopes, electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes.
       Optical microscopes, through their use of visible wavelengths of light, are the simplest and hence the most widely used type of microscope. Optical microscopes use refractive lenses, typically of glass and occasionally of plastic, to focus light into the eye or another light defector.

What is the main idea of paragraph two?
The function of a microscope.
The parts of a microscope.

The types of microscopes.

The definition of a microscope.

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Paragraf dua teks tersebut menjelaskan tipe-tipe mikroskop, yaitu optical microscopes, electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes

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Attention, please. Leadership is very important, especially for young generations. Every teenager should be ready to be a leader. That’s why, to grow and increase the leadership, OSIS will hold leadership training on Saturday at one o’clock at the school hall. All students my participate in it. For further information and registration, please contact the committee chairperson, Danny, Class VIIIA.
“Leadership is very important, . . .”
What is the synonym of the word ‘important’?
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Kata ‘important’ dan ‘significant’ memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu penting. Pilihan jawaban (Useless. ) artinya tiak berguna, (Strong. ) artinya kuat, an (Useful. ) artinya bermanfaat.

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The town of Hamelin was suffering from a terrible plague of rats. The town council tried everything to get rid of them, but couldn’t. At last, the Mayor promised a big reward to anybody who could put an end to the plague.
       One day a stranger dressed in bright clothes arrived and said he could rid Hamelin of the rats. At night, the stranger began playing a tune on his flute, drawing all the rats out of the houses and barns and into the river, where they were drowned. However, The Mayor would not pay the piper because he said that playing a flute was not worth the reward. He ordered the piper to leave Hamelin. 
       Then one day the piper came back one day, and started to play his flute. This time, all the children followed him, and he left the village towards the mountains. Finally, they arrived at a cave in the mountain. Suddenly, the cave opened and the piper and all the children went in. The cave closed behind them and the children were never seen again in Hamelin. 

What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
The major of Hamelin who didn’t keep his promise to the piper.e piper’s way of getting rid of rats from Hamelin.
The piper’s way of getting rid of rats from Hamelin.

The disappearance of all hamelin’s children.

The condition of the town of Hamelin.

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Paragraf terakhir bercerita tentang peniup seruling itu yang kembali ke kota Hamelin dan memainkan serulingnya yang berakibat semua anak di kota itu meninggalkan kota karena mengikuti alunan seruling sang peniup seruling. Pada akhirnya, sang peniup seruling menggiring anak-anak ke sebuah gua, lalu pintu gua itu tertutup dan akhirnya anak-anak itu tidak pernah terlihat lagi di Hamelin. Jadi, pikiran utama paragraf tersebut adalah (The disappearance of all hamelin’s children.) yang artinya hilangnya semua anak di Hamelin.

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The water lily is a plant of the aquatic family Nymphacaceae, and of the genus Nymphae. These plants are found in fresh, still water throughout the warm temperate regions. People cultivate this plant. The plant can grow easily from the seed. It may be grown in containers or ponds.

    The water lily is a beautiful plant. It has round leaves. The leaves may float or immerse. The flower has four sepals and many petals and stamens. The color of this flower may be white,pink,yellow,or blue. When blossoms, it sometimes smells good. Some species of this plant open by day and closed at night: others open at night and closed by day. The life span of the flower is usually three days.
How long is a water lily flower usually in blossom?
A day and a night.
Three days.
More than three days.
A day or a night.
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Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat akhir paragraf dua, yaitu “The life span of the flower is usually three days.” Yang artinya “Masa hidup bunga itu biasanya tiga hari.”; dengan kata lain bunga itu akan tetap mekar selama tiga hari. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (Three days. ) yang artinya tiga hari benar.

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Attention, please. Leadership is very important, especially for young generations. Every teenager should be ready to be a leader. That’s why, to grow and increase the leadership, OSIS will hold leadership training on Saturday at one o’clock at the school hall. All students my participate in it. For further information and registration, please contact the committee chairperson, Danny, Class VIIIA.
What is the announcement about?
Leadership training.
Young generations.
The importance of leadership.
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Pengumuman tersebut tentang pelatihan kepemimpinan (leadership training). Itu disimpulkan dari kalimat “That’s why, to grow and increase the leadership, OSIS will hold leadership training on Saturday at one o’clock at the school hall.” Yang artinya “Oleh karena itu, untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan jiwa kepemimpinan, OSIS akan mengadakan pelatihan kepemimpinan pada hari Sabtu jam atu siang di aula sekolah.”.

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My gradfather is a farmer. He has a large rice field. He has to … (1) it, especially the days before tha harvest time.

My grandfather built a hut near his rice field. He uses it when he chases away birds and takes a rest. This four-pillar hut has roofs made of … (2) and short fences. Grandfather puts on a mat as the lining. I often accompany my grandfather to keep the field. In fact, I often oversleep in the hut because of … (3). My grandfather always wakes me up before we go home.
1 = ....
looks after
looking after
look after
looked after
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Kata yang tepat mengikuti modal ‘has to’ adalah verb base sehingga pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah (look after ) look after yang artinya merawat.

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How to make a lunch box

Materials :
·         A plastic sheet
·         A plastic mold
·         2 hinges
·         2 screws
·         A drill
·         2 plastic claps

Steps :
1.      Start by heating the plastic sheet until it melts.
2.      Pace the melted plastic inside the mold, then wait until the plastic hardens.
3.      When the plastic becomes solid, you can take it out of the mold.
4.      Do it again to get the two halves that will later coprise the exterior of yoaur lunch box. You can now bring the two halves together and attach the hinges at the buttom.
5.      Drill the holes provided by the hinges and insert the screws.
6.      Upon doing this, the two halves will be formally attached to each other.
7.      You can now affix the clasps on the top portion of the luch box.
8.      Finally, paste stickers of popular cartoon characters or your favourite picture on one side of the luch box so that it will appeal to you. Now, you have a lunch box that both of you can be proud of.
Where should we attach the hinges?
At the bottom of the two halves of the lunch box
At the upper part of each half of the lunch box
At the edge of each lunch box’s side
At the inside part of the lunch box
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Pilihan jawaban (At the bottom of the two halves of the lunch box ) sesuai dengan kalimat pada langkah keempat “You can now bring the two halves together and attach the hinges at the buttom.” Yang artinya “Anda sekarang dapat menyatukan kedua setengah bagian itu dan melekatkan engsel di bagian bawah (kotak).”.

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